Whole-house networking solution based on software router

Mar 31, 2023 16:55 · 286 words · 2 minute read


The objective of this project is to establish a functional whole-house networking system within a multiple-bedroom apartment, which presents two primary challenges. The first challenge concerns the well-documented issue of internet firewalls, which requires additional measures to enable access to fundamental web services like Google, YouTube, Netflix, and OpenAI. The second challenge relates to the diminishing Wi-Fi signal as it penetrates through the walls of the bedrooms, rendering a single router insufficient for the entire house. The aim of this project is to address these issues comprehensively and provide a comprehensive solution.

Worldwide Internet

This project utilizes a software router to execute the openWRT system, which enables the ability to access the global internet. The specific device employed for this purpose is the nano R4S. The nano R4S is linked to the optical network terminal (ONT) and the router’s WAN slot, allowing it to process all internet data.

An essential measure in ensuring the uninterrupted and continuous operation of R4S is the utilization of a 5V 4A power supply. Failure to comply with this requirement can result in frequent system crashes. It should be noted that some phone power supplies claim to offer a maximum capacity of 5V 4A, but may require specific cables to enable 5V 4A mode, which can be challenging to manage. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to use a reliable power supply, such as the one depicted in the image below, to minimize development time and optimize system performance.


WiFI signal cover the whole house

By utilizing wired mesh technology, the WiFi signal coverage area has been substantially extended, resulting in complete signal coverage throughout every corner of the house.

The network topology of the house is:



  1. https://yangc.yuque.com/staff-gko5gz/meexaf
  2. https://github.com/coolsnowwolf/lede
  3. https://openwrt.org/
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